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Happy Republic Day Rangoli Collection

 Top Happy Republic Day Rangoli Photos/Collection-

Republic day photos
Republic day photos Rangoli

Republic day
Rangoli Republic day
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Happy Rangoli
Happy Republic days

2020 happy republic day rangoli
Rangoli republic day photos

republic day rangoli
Rangoli Photo

Importance of Republic Day--

Our Republic Day celebration celebrated on 26 January fills us with confidence and gives us complete freedom. This is the reason that this day is celebrated with great glamor and joy all over the country. This Republic Day festival is very important for all of us because it is the day that understands the importance of our Constitution. Even though our country became independent on 15 August 1947, it gained complete independence on 26 January 1950, as it was that day. When the constitution of our country came into force and our India country was established as a democratic country in the world. In today's time, if we can take any decision independently or raise our voice against any form of oppression and misery, it is possible only because of the constitution and democratic nature of our country. This is the reason why Republic Day is celebrated as a national festival in our country.

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